Translation prices for the six languages
Chinese 3.59 € net / 4.27 € gross
Dutch 1.39 € net / 1.65 € gross
English 1.29 € net / 1.54 € gross
Romanian 1.29 € net / 1.54 € gross
Spanish 1.29 € net / 1.54 € gross
GERMAN 1.29 € net / 1.54 € gross
The minimum price is 40.00 € net (47.60 € gross) per order plus other expenses (such as postage, certification, etc.). The line prices stated are minimum prices that can be adjusted depending on the level of difficulty of the text (legibility, technical language features, etc.). For a binding quote regarding the line prices, simply send us a page of the text to be translated by email or fax. An additional 0.07 € per line plus VAT, but at least 5.90 € net (7.02 € gross) per document, will be charged for any confirmation of the accuracy and completeness of the translation by a translator authorized by the Higher Regional Court.